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Good Business

We develop successful businesses. It’s what we do.

Our multifaceted team brings decades of experience in retail and financial related fields across numerous categories. While we have the expertise to build and develop brands from scratch, we continue to have a passion for helping existing or fledgling businesses grow and succeed. Regardless of the position we take in a business, we seek opportunities where we can add innovation or deliver disruptive options to a category or business channel.

Disciplines of Expertise

  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • Category Management

  • Finance

  • Accounting

  • Executive Leadership

  • Product Development

  • Brand Development

  • Advertising

  • Media Planning

CATEGORIES of Expertise

  • Finance

  • Food & Beverage

  • Agri-business

  • OTC Drug

  • Wine & Spirits

  • Sporting goods

  • Advertising Agencies

Our business units are diverse. In our portfolio, you will find everything from businesses where we take a silent investment position to brands that are solely owned and built from the ground up. Regardless of the structure, we leverage both human and financial capital to maximize the success of each business unit.

It’s our belief that the success of our current and future businesses can be contributed to three core practices: thoroughly evaluating opportunities; developing appropriate and effective business plans; and executing defined objectives with precision. While much detail falls behind each of these three disciplines, they must be true for a business unit to succeed.

Above all we love what we do. We love the people we work with and strive to align with others who feel the same way about organizational health and its impact on successful businesses.


Who We Are and Why

Island Ventures is an alternative Venture Fund balancing profits and stewardship to enrich the lives of others.

The Island Ventures anchors.


Our What

Creating and maximizing enterprise value.


Island Ventures Core Values

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  • Improve constantly

  • Strive to find better way

  • Winning does matter

How our team members speak:
“I am obsessed with excellence and driven to deliver quality work beyond expectations – it’s just who I am. I want to be the best at what I do. I believe that everything can be improved and that winning does matter. I’m constantly thinking of different ways to solve challenges and build opportunities. I am not afraid to fail when trying something new.”

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  • Do the right thing

  • Own mistakes quickly

  • We’re in this together

How our team members speak:
“Above all else, I strive to do the right thing. I make mistakes but own them quickly. I openly acknowledge a mistake and work with my teammates to fix it. It’s about character, honesty and mutual respect. My coworkers and I are accountable to each other but willing to extend grace because it’s the right thing to do. I believe that where grace is abundant the lives of all are enriched.”

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HUMBLE & ALIVE (Our Behavior)

  • Confident in humility

  • Highly self-aware

  • Positive in behavior

How our team members speak:
“I am confident but recognize that success is not all about me. I am more inclined to give credit to others than take the credit for myself. I acknowledge my imperfections and allow others to help me overcome them. I am fully aware that my actions and attitudes impact others, so I strive to be positive and productive. My coworkers and I seek to make our work environment fulfilling, enjoyable and life-giving.”